Instructions to Authors
Instructions for authors
Manuscript Submission
- All submissions must be made electronically through our online submission system (link to be provided).
- The manuscript file should be saved in a format compatible with most word processing software (e.g., DOCX)
Manuscript Format
- Font: Use a standard font (Times New Roman) with a size of 12 points.
- Line Spacing: Double line spacing is preferred.
- Margins: Set margins to at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) on all sides.
- Numbering: Include consecutive page numbers throughout the manuscript.
Manuscript Content
- Title Page: Include the title of your manuscript, the authors' full names and affiliations, and the corresponding author's contact information (email address).
- Abstract: Provide a concise and informative abstract (maximum 250 words) summarizing the background, methods, results, and conclusions of your study.
- Keywords: Include 3-5 keywords relevant to your research.
- Introduction: Briefly introduce the background and significance of your research topic.
- Materials and Methods: Describe the methodology used in your study in a clear and concise manner.
- Results: Present your findings objectively, using tables and figures where appropriate.
- Discussion: Interpret your results in the context of existing literature and highlight the significance of your findings.
- Conclusion: Briefly summarize the main conclusions of your research.
- References: Follow a recognized reference style (Vancouver). Ensure all references cited in the text are included in the reference list and vice versa.
- Acknowledgments: Briefly acknowledge any sources of funding or support for your research.
Authorship Letter: Containing the name of the Author, Qualification of Author and Contribution in Research ( Concept, Data Collection, Drafting etc.).
Corresponding Author: The Author who would communicate with editor's office. Please ensure that only one should comments and his/her name should be printed as such on Article.
Permission From Ethical Committee: A letter containing permission from ethical committee should be sent to the editor’s office along with manuscript.
Processing Fee: It would be Rs. 5000 PKR from March 2025 (None Refundable)
Publication Fee: It would be Rs. 25000 PKR from March 2025 (if the manuscript accepted for publication).
Editorial Desk: If editor thinks that the manuscript is not according to the policy of journal or cannot be published due to any reason. He may reject the manuscript from the editor desk/ editor office.
Peer Review Process: All the manuscript shall be sent for “Peer Review” after clearance from the editor.
Peer Review Decision: Decisions of the reviewers shall be communicated to the Author.
Those may be following:
- Acceptance
- Minor Changes
- Rewriting
- Rejection
Consent: All the authors are requested to submit their consent that they would not publish, this manuscript in any other journal if accepted for publication in Sial Journal of Medical Sciences.